Wed, Aug 21, 24.

Judges 6 - 8

  1. Hyperbolic language is used in the scriptures, as seen with the telling of the number of the Midianites. They obviously were not “without number” [Jdg 6:5].
  2. The Angel of Yahweh is also called the angel of God [Jdg 6:20].
  3. The prophet Isaiah had the Angel of Yahweh’s discussion with Gideon in mind, when he wrote of the day of Midian’s defeat, and of the Prince of Peace [Jdg 6:22-23]
    1. The Angel of Yahweh is the “Prince” (“Sar” in Hebrew/Aramaic) of the Host [Jos 5:14; Dan 8:11]
    2. The word “Sar” (Prince) is used by Isaiah when he writes of the Prince of Peace [Isa 9:6].
    3. The Prince of the Host was the one who gave peace to Gideon [Jdg 6:22-23].
    4. The day Gideon received the Peace of God, was the day the defeat of Midian was announced, i.e., the day of Midian’s defeat
  4. Gideon’s father’s household worshipped idols [Jdg 6:25], yet God called Gideon out of an idolatrous house.
    1. God also called Paul straight out of persecuting the Church to being a follower of Jesus Christ.
  5. From the dream and the interpretation of the Midianites, they already had the fear of Gideon. Gideon capitalized on this and used wisdom and cunning to amplify the fear, by commanding the people to shout, “for Yahweh and for Gideon” [Jdg 7:13-21].
    1. Despite the fact that God had given Gideon victory, he also employed wisdom and tactics to bring about the victory God promised him.
  6. Gideon used wisdom again to pacify the Ephraimites when they asked him why he didn’t call them to fight with him. Ephraim is a big tribe – a tribe that eventually became the head of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Rather than tell them, “Yahweh told me to use 300 men”, he calmed them down by pointing out to them that they were the ones who put down the princes of Midian – Oreb and Zeeb [Jdg 8:1-23].
  7. Other tribes joined with the 300 men to join in chasing down the Midianites [Jdg 7:23].